Tuesday, October 28, 2014

The importance of varying sentences

Generally, I am incapable of editing. 

How I imagine writing a paper is much like playing with the world's stickiest Legos; if you create a structure you're not proud of, you have to start back from the beginning. When I write, I enjoy changing the shapes and lengths of my sentences to create a rhythm which I inevitably translate my thoughts through. Attempting to interrupt this rhythm to replace a few words or correct the syntax is dang near impossible and throws off the balance of the entire essay. Short sentences matter. They are what capitalizes the most crucial ideas. They have an exceptional ability to make the reader slow down from the prescribed rhythm and focus on the words and the message. Inversely, long sentences add a certain flowery connotation to the whole of the sentence, which makes the idea seem endless, but allows the writer to translate many thoughts into a rhythm that can only be continued by the following sentence. Here is a short sentence, perfectly on cue.

The ability to manipulate the rhythm is what makes poetry so interesting and all writing in general more dramatic. It is a crucial element to luring in your audience. There are two schools of thought in this division, one that prefers form to content, and the other that prefers content to form. It is essential to know when to use either, but in most cases, especially those of creative writing, I believe form deserves the most affection. Content must bow to form as the reader hinges on the flow of your words and the rhythm of your sentences.

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